Barrita Orchids
Species Cymbidium Orchid seedling. Cym goeringii (Yunnan form)
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Seedling in a 50mm pot, leaf length > 20cm. These plants are very small. But, are ready to flower.
Cymbidium goeringii is a treasured and revered orchid that has been tightly held in Japanese, Chinese and other Southeast Asian cultures for thousands of years. During this time many distinctive forms have been selected and grown. Whilst many of the Japanese forms are known for their flower form and colour, the Chinese forms are more generally known for their exquisite perfume and very fine leaves. We offer for the first time in Australia, the genuine wild form of Cymbidium goeringii from Yunnan Province. This distinctive form has very narrow leaves, generally only a few millimeters wide but up to 150mm long. The flowers have a distinctive triangular shape with the petals pointing forward over the lip giving them a decidedly refined look. The colour of the flowers are generally in shades of green with shadings of pink or red, that take on a checkerboard pattern due to the colouring of the veins. The fragrance of this small, but refined plant is sharp and sweet although never overpowering. It is one of the few species of Cymbidium that can make a specimen plant in a 10cm pot! The beauty of a Cymbidium in miniature. Perfect for a windowsill.
We thank Wenbo Chen and Randall Robinson for the use of their fabulous photos.

We understand that you want the best possible plants. While it's possible that a leaf might have a minor chew mark or blemish, rest assured that our experienced team carefully selects the finest plants available for each order. Keep in mind that each cross has its own unique characteristics, so some plants may be smaller than others.